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Hive Tools and Accessories
Basic tools for beekeepers
10 Frame Queen Excluder, Metal - 10QE-M
$ 12.00
8 Frame Queen Excluder, Metal - 8QE-M
$ 12.00
10 Frame Queen Excluder, Plastic - 10QE-P
$ 7.00
8 Frame Queen Excluder, Plastic - 8FPQE
$ 7.00
Queen Catcher - W01-QC-C100
$ 4.50
Queen Cage - W01-QCAGE
$ 1.00
Hive Tool, Stainless - N01-SHT
$ 7.95
J Style Hive Tool, Stainless - Defaul Title - N01-SJT
$ 10.95
Economy Hive Tool - N01-EHT
$ 4.60
Stainless Steel Smokers - 4"x9" - N01-SSS49
$ 30.95
Stainless Strainer Set - SS-Strainer
$ 29.95
Wood Bee Brush - N01-BB12
$ 4.50
Scraper-Shovel - N01-SS-W
$ 4.95
Chisel with Wood Handle - N01-CHISLE
$ 4.95
Stainless Steel Honey Knife (Uncapping Knife) - W01-SSHK
$ 19.95
Beetle Jail With Adapter on Follower Board - M01-Btle Jail w/adaptor
$ 10.00
Queen Marking Cage - N01-QMC
$ 5.95
Pine Entrance Reducer - N01-PER
$ 1.00
Honey Gate - Without Bucket - HG-P
$ 10.00
Honey Gate - With 5 gallon bucket - HG-Pw//bucket
$ 17.00